Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Trotters

Good times had by all.  My office team & I started off our holiday season with our first ever Turkey Trot.  We gathered and trotted (some ran, some walked) for about 1.5 miles.  It was a spectacularly beautiful day and outside was the place to be. 

But our Trot didn't stop after the 1.5 miles.  Upon our return, the real competition began and we are a very competitive group.  Sprints, backwards dash, sideways dash and the killer sideways squats (thanks Nikki).  I'm sure there are more official names for all these but I hope you get the jist.  Yelling and cheering each other on in our front parking lot.  Of course, this attracted spectators - the smokers in the office next door for one.  I guess they'll do anything for a smoke break.  Ugh!

We had so much fun!  Simple, almost childlike games. 

Our Trot was followed by a traditional Thanksgiving Mexican fiesta - heavy on fajitas and light on tortillas & chips.  Not too bad and it was yummy!  And yet one more competition - the Thanksgiving "word find."  A great start to the holiday season!!

I hope everyone has a "MOVING' Thanksgiving too. 

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