Monday, June 7, 2010

Board meetings......quality living....

I just came from an annual board meeting of one of our private day schools.  It was the annual meeting to recap the year, install new board members (ME for one) and welcome the new Headmaster.  The school is 25 years old and for the past 16 years had the same Headmaster.  He moved and the new one takes over shortly.

We heard the traditional presentations, all very impressive for what's been accomplished over the last year and equally as impressive as to what is ahead of us.  We're moving in the right direction. 

As I, the newcomer of the group, sat listening and making some private notes, I was especially drawn to how the new Headmaster described his predecessor - all the stuff you'd expect and his "trademark warmth."  His "trademark warmth!"  I was touched by this description.  Wow, what a spectacular quality  or gift to possess.  How do you get that?  Born with it?  Learn it from your parents?  siblings?  teachers?  What a rich life to have the opportunity to touch people in this way.  Maybe because I know this man, I can summons up the feeling when I've been around him - sweet, gentle, kind, caring.  His trademark warmth will forever have touched me too. 

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