Sunday, December 26, 2010

California here I am...

I beat the Atlanta snow and flew out just as it was arriving.  I'm so happy for those that were hoping for a white Christmas.  I guess it was Atlanta's first in like 100 years.  I think it may even be continuing today?! 

Off I go to sunny and dry (I hope) California.  I arrived safely and then waited for over 3 hours for my room to be ready.   Oh well, that gave me a chance to get to know the bartenders and some of the locals.  Finally my room was ready so I crawled, not really 2 drinks is my limit, to my room, ordered up a movie (Sex in the City2) and crashed early.  Only to wake up @ 6am on my first day of vacation. I guess that's OK since technically it was 9am to my body clock. 

It's a magnificent, sunny, bright morning.  How fortunate I am!!!  Picture this - bright sun, clear blue sky, Pacific Ocean w/the mountains in the background.  Now that sounds like a setting for a good run.  I'm finishing up my morning java and off I'll go.  To where?  I have no idea! 

Enjoy your day after, first day of vacation, last day of vacation or whatever today is for you.  Have a great one!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, have fun!! It is still snowing here (where I am, anyway) and it's wonderful, but sunny skies, the Pacific Ocean and a vacation sound so much more wonderful!


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