I've now said it publicly. I'm running a half marathon! There I said it twice now! Prior to today, I've mostly shared this with my co-workers and my coach. I'm going to do this!
A couple months ago while reading More magazine, I read @ their half marathon. It's in April, in NYC, course is CENTRAL PARK. Hmmmmm, I was actually on an airplane when I read it and immediately decided, THIS IS MY NEXT GOAL. I registered, booked my flight, got myself a run coach and I started lite training 3-4 weeks ago ("just keep running" he said). I trained yesterday with my coach (more on him to come) and my official training begins tomorrow. I got my 10 week training plan yesterday and now it's real!!!!
I'm excited, nervous, amazed and speechless to some degree. This is a big goal for me, fitness wise. I guess in some ways bigger than losing weight because I never set out to lose 50 lbs. I started at 25, then went to 40 then 50. Now, I'm chunking off the entire goal at once. WooHoo!
My co-workers are running the GA half marathon the week before mine so it's kinda fun around the office. Linda (my co-worker) is running her first half and she trains with the same run coach. She got her training plan yesterday too. Last night we talked and I think we were both a little dazed by it all. She's awesome; fast, strong and an inspiration to me. She's always right there telling me "YOU CAN DO THIS." I'm excited that I'll be in town for her half and will be along the course cheering her on. I learned from weight loss, gotta have the cheerleaders!!
So the half marathon training begins. WOW!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Weight loss is global
I never really stopped to think @ weight loss around the world. Recently I received an email (and we have since been corresponding) with a woman in Libya! (I have no clue how she found me).
This woman, 40ish I believe, has expressed the very same things I've dealt with or am dealing with currently. I'm trying but it's not coming off OR what can I do to lose weight? Questions that have gone through my mind the last almost two years.
It's not the questions that struck me cause they are pretty much the norm from what I hear all the time, it's that these same questions are coming from around the world...Libya! I guess women are women are women. Those that want to lose weight anyway. We all have similar struggles, challenges, questions and hopefully wins!!
Best of luck to all wherever you are in your weight loss journey!
This woman, 40ish I believe, has expressed the very same things I've dealt with or am dealing with currently. I'm trying but it's not coming off OR what can I do to lose weight? Questions that have gone through my mind the last almost two years.
It's not the questions that struck me cause they are pretty much the norm from what I hear all the time, it's that these same questions are coming from around the world...Libya! I guess women are women are women. Those that want to lose weight anyway. We all have similar struggles, challenges, questions and hopefully wins!!
Best of luck to all wherever you are in your weight loss journey!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Feelin good, lookin wonderful?
Definitely feelin good, working on the lookin wonderful! The lookin wonderful is a WIP, yep work in progress!!
It's amazing how for a girl, ME, buying a new lipstick can really brighten my day. I love it! I think I get this from my mom. She loves to buy a new lipstick. So I stopped by Woo and picked up a new (Plā) Beauty lipstick.....Spell On Me. I just love the names of all these lipsticks & glosses.

For those that read my blog, you may remember (Plā) Beauty because Stephanie and (Plā) Beauty got into Bella magazine (click here and scroll down to bottom of page). If you aren't familiar, definitely check out Stephanie's story on Facebook. It's worth the read and then think that she got into Bella magazine!!!! Very cool.
If you are working on WONDERFUL; try a new lipstick! It's simple, can be cheap (or pricey) and often works WONDERS!!!!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Yea, losing weight!!!
I did it! I'm back on it! I'm SO excited. My first official weigh in was a great success and just what I needed to get me back in the game. I lost more than 3 lbs this first week back!!!! You may have heard some screaming near you about 10am Saturday morning. Yep, that was ME!
Results! Rewards! Ahhhhhh!!! I love it! That is of course when the scale gives me good news. I kicked my bad habits and am back in my groove. Amazing how I got so off track and didn't even realize it. Thank goodness for my food journal. One look @ the journal and Dan immediately pointed some junk out. Thanks (again) Dan!
The great scale news made for a spectacular Saturday. Lunch with a friend, a little shopping (new lipstick! and run tights!), mani and then fell into bed. It's a sunny, yet chilly, morning but almost time for my run. Have a great day all!
Results! Rewards! Ahhhhhh!!! I love it! That is of course when the scale gives me good news. I kicked my bad habits and am back in my groove. Amazing how I got so off track and didn't even realize it. Thank goodness for my food journal. One look @ the journal and Dan immediately pointed some junk out. Thanks (again) Dan!
The great scale news made for a spectacular Saturday. Lunch with a friend, a little shopping (new lipstick! and run tights!), mani and then fell into bed. It's a sunny, yet chilly, morning but almost time for my run. Have a great day all!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
It's weigh in day.....
Yep, it's the official weigh in day @ Body Solutions. I weigh every day @ home but that doesn't count. However I think I've had a rockin week. I'm ready for Body Solutions to open up so I can get the news. I'm having a hard time waiting for the 9am class. Impatient cause I'm feelin it.
I've switched up some stuff this week & I think it's working! Eating breakfast earlier (1 hour after getting up), killed the day long grazing (actually eating breakfast earlier has curbed the hunger during the day - hmmm), drinkin lots more water and eating my largest meal @ lunch w/a lighter din, din. I've also had an awesome cardio week plus some personal training mixed in.
It feels so good to be back on track and focused. I will feel even better when I see my results. More on that tomorrow............!!! I'm off to a great Saturday!!! I hope you are too!!!
I've switched up some stuff this week & I think it's working! Eating breakfast earlier (1 hour after getting up), killed the day long grazing (actually eating breakfast earlier has curbed the hunger during the day - hmmm), drinkin lots more water and eating my largest meal @ lunch w/a lighter din, din. I've also had an awesome cardio week plus some personal training mixed in.
It feels so good to be back on track and focused. I will feel even better when I see my results. More on that tomorrow............!!! I'm off to a great Saturday!!! I hope you are too!!!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
I'm a LOSER...!!!
Yea! I'm happy to report I'm back on the losing side of things. I think I mentioned earlier that last Saturday, I got refocused. Dan looked @ my food journal and pointed out some bad habits I've developed that are most likely getting in the way of my losing weight. Funny how I know this stuff but totally missed this. It sure helps to have a Coach - thanks (again) Dan!!!
#1 - I waited too long to eat breakfast after waking up. I was going @ 3-4 hours before eating after I got up. TOO LONG. So I cut that back to only 1 hour! I don't like to eat right when I get up so 1 hour is working for me.
#2 - I was eating too often during the day; only @ 2 hours between snacks and meals. Dan pointed out that all I was doing was "grazing" all day long. Ugh! So I'd trained my body to just be hungry all the time. CUT THAT OUT. This week, when I'm feeling a little hungry, I either grab a piece of gum or drink more water. Of course I'm living in the bathroom :-) but at least I'm LOSING.
#3 - I cut out or greatly reduced carbs at dinner & after. I did this all along my initial weight loss journey and it worked for me. Lots of people can eat carbs at night but it doesn't work for me.
This week, I'm excited to get up in the a.m. and jump on my scale. Yep, I do that every morning too. And so far, the scale says.................I've lost @ 2 lbs this week! Can that be?!
The real deal comes Saturday morning when I weigh in @ Body Solutions. I'm feelin it and think I'm off to a good start!!! Back to goal weight by 2/12/2011 - that's my goal!!!
#1 - I waited too long to eat breakfast after waking up. I was going @ 3-4 hours before eating after I got up. TOO LONG. So I cut that back to only 1 hour! I don't like to eat right when I get up so 1 hour is working for me.
#2 - I was eating too often during the day; only @ 2 hours between snacks and meals. Dan pointed out that all I was doing was "grazing" all day long. Ugh! So I'd trained my body to just be hungry all the time. CUT THAT OUT. This week, when I'm feeling a little hungry, I either grab a piece of gum or drink more water. Of course I'm living in the bathroom :-) but at least I'm LOSING.
#3 - I cut out or greatly reduced carbs at dinner & after. I did this all along my initial weight loss journey and it worked for me. Lots of people can eat carbs at night but it doesn't work for me.
This week, I'm excited to get up in the a.m. and jump on my scale. Yep, I do that every morning too. And so far, the scale says.................I've lost @ 2 lbs this week! Can that be?!
The real deal comes Saturday morning when I weigh in @ Body Solutions. I'm feelin it and think I'm off to a good start!!! Back to goal weight by 2/12/2011 - that's my goal!!!
body solutions atlanta,
dan mcgrath,
food journal,
weight loss
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
What's your mantra?
I read a great Runners World article today that nailed what I've been thinking to myself. Now for my MANTRA?! What's it going to be?
Check out some of my fav lines from the article or read the entire article for yourself.
To achieve your running goals, powerful legs and big lungs aren't enough—you also need a strong head. Doubts and distractions can derail your attempts, but a well-chosen mantra can keep you calm and on target...... An effective mantra addresses what you want to feel, not the adversity you're trying to overcome...."
Check out some of my fav lines from the article or read the entire article for yourself.
To achieve your running goals, powerful legs and big lungs aren't enough—you also need a strong head. Doubts and distractions can derail your attempts, but a well-chosen mantra can keep you calm and on target...... An effective mantra addresses what you want to feel, not the adversity you're trying to overcome...."
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Do over....
awww as in MAKEOVER. Yesterday was so much fun. It was the final day of my WOW (work out weekend). I trained with Dan @ 9am, followed by some cardio and a little socializing at the studio (I just can't call it a gym - it's so not).
Sidebar: I'm back on the weight loss program. Dan & I talked on Saturday, he helped me get focused and I'm going to nail this. I've suffered from weight creep! I'm getting these 10 lbs back off and getting back to my goal weight!!!
Back to yesterday....my friend, Stepanie @ (Plā) Beauty came to the studio so we could "(Plā)" with makeup.....for hours. My studio bud, Christine, and I tried all kinds of colors and learned cool tips! Aha! The tricks of the trade!!! We had so much fun. (Photo isn't from yesterday; no longer have that cut or color!!! But here's Stephanie trying to do something with me several months ago.....it's a work in progress!)
Following the workouts and (Plā) Beauty fun, we were starving so we headed to what's come to be our post workout lunch place for some fish! Yummy grilled fish. The Ketch in Bhead if you live near!
The last day of my WOW was so great - trained w/Dan (I love that!), cardio (don't love that but have to do it), (Plā)'d with makeup (love it but not good @ it), lunch (always LOVE to eat) and spending time with friends (LOVE that).
Do over......SUCCESS!!!
Sidebar: I'm back on the weight loss program. Dan & I talked on Saturday, he helped me get focused and I'm going to nail this. I've suffered from weight creep! I'm getting these 10 lbs back off and getting back to my goal weight!!!

Following the workouts and (Plā) Beauty fun, we were starving so we headed to what's come to be our post workout lunch place for some fish! Yummy grilled fish. The Ketch in Bhead if you live near!
The last day of my WOW was so great - trained w/Dan (I love that!), cardio (don't love that but have to do it), (Plā)'d with makeup (love it but not good @ it), lunch (always LOVE to eat) and spending time with friends (LOVE that).
Do over......SUCCESS!!!
body solutions atlanta,
dan mcgrath,
weight loss,
Monday, January 17, 2011
The new haircut...
I got my hair cut (and colored) on Saturday and it may have turned out to be a dumb move......time will tell. I love the cut; it's one part Annette Benning and one part Kramer (from Seinfeld).
This cut is great when I can shower, shampoo & then fix it. But.........sometimes, like today, I go straight to workout and shower after. Right now it's looking more Kramer than Benning.
There's nothing like "bad hair" so while I love this cut, I'm not sure how it's going to fit my schedule. How dumb is that? A haircut to fit your lifestyle!!!
Nevertheless I'm headed to Body Solutions all Kramer. Good thing Dan won't even notice the new color or cut.
This cut is great when I can shower, shampoo & then fix it. But.........sometimes, like today, I go straight to workout and shower after. Right now it's looking more Kramer than Benning.
There's nothing like "bad hair" so while I love this cut, I'm not sure how it's going to fit my schedule. How dumb is that? A haircut to fit your lifestyle!!!
Nevertheless I'm headed to Body Solutions all Kramer. Good thing Dan won't even notice the new color or cut.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Workin out today - old school
As I type this, I'm pretty much laughing as what do I know @ old school workouts?! I've only been working out for almost two years. Oh well, I guess you can consider any "yesterday" as old school....that's it for me.
My boxing gloves arrived, yippee! After sitting @ home and on my tush for almost a week, this is workin out weekend (WOW). Saturday am started with Body Blitz class. Great total body workout - circuits...my favorite Body Solutions class. Dan really worked us hard and the tush I'd been sittin on for a week is now pretty sore!!!! Following BB, I trained with Dan and we boxed using my new gloves! Dan first wrapped my hands w/the tape (I felt like such an athlete, haha) and then the new gloves. I LOVE IT. I'm addicted.
And now it's Sunday.....ready for a good old school workout.........a long run. Only shoes required along with some layering cause I think it's pretty cold. But no other gear - just me, my shoes & the road. Think @ it. There are lots of classes out there, all kinds of fancy equipment, etc - all designed to keep us movin, active, interested & varied and then there's just walkin and runnin - the cardio that's been done for years. That'll be me today....followed by a relaxing mani/pedi!!! (now this is really ME!!!)
So today I'm putting down my gloves and picking up my feet. Awwww!!!
My boxing gloves arrived, yippee! After sitting @ home and on my tush for almost a week, this is workin out weekend (WOW). Saturday am started with Body Blitz class. Great total body workout - circuits...my favorite Body Solutions class. Dan really worked us hard and the tush I'd been sittin on for a week is now pretty sore!!!! Following BB, I trained with Dan and we boxed using my new gloves! Dan first wrapped my hands w/the tape (I felt like such an athlete, haha) and then the new gloves. I LOVE IT. I'm addicted.
And now it's Sunday.....ready for a good old school workout.........a long run. Only shoes required along with some layering cause I think it's pretty cold. But no other gear - just me, my shoes & the road. Think @ it. There are lots of classes out there, all kinds of fancy equipment, etc - all designed to keep us movin, active, interested & varied and then there's just walkin and runnin - the cardio that's been done for years. That'll be me today....followed by a relaxing mani/pedi!!! (now this is really ME!!!)
So today I'm putting down my gloves and picking up my feet. Awwww!!!
body solutions atlanta,
dan mcgrath,
Friday, January 14, 2011
Ice, Ice Baby
Snow DAY has turned into ICE WEEK. Day 5 and the schools & universities are still closed. People are starting to get back to work IF they can get out of their neighborhoods. Some of the main streets aren't completely clear yet.
I think Atlanta should adopt Ice, Ice Baby as it's theme song for the week because that is really what we've been dealing with all week. The snow lasted for a few hours, maybe a day and now we're left with ICING.
Take a look. Kind of pretty if you aren't driving on it!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
My boxing gloves are held up in Nville!
I started boxing with Dan @ 2-3 weeks ago and I love it! I found a new passion for a great workout. I thought it was going to help my upper body but my legs & butt seem to be benefiting too. I'll take it. Haha!!!
My only disappointment in the whole boxing thing is I wasn't able to get pink gloves. Darn, I was hoping for pink. I've learned that you purchase boxing gloves by ounces and the pink didn't come in the size I got. Oh well, maybe I can spray paint them!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Snow & Ice.... Day 3!
What started as snow and a beautiful, white blanket quickly turned to ugly ice. Day 1 w/no work was good - stayed in my pj's, napped alot, read and as previously mentioned, my EATING was out of control.
Then came Day 2..yesterday. Much better!!! I was sort of busy with work which kept my mind off eating and I finally took the long commute down on the elevator to my building gym. It was packed! I managed to get in @ an hour of good, revved up cardio. Now we're talkin! After the workout, I lost my interest in eating junk! I wanted clean food! What the what?! Is eating better a byproduct of working out?!
And now Day 3. No more new snow but the streets are still icy. The sun came out this morning (go Annie!) so let's hope, all will melt. I have cabin fever! I'm ready to get out of here! Deciding if I'll venture to the office for a few hours and if Body Solutions is open, maybe I can sneak in a workout with Dan. Now that would be a good Day 3.
Then came Day 2..yesterday. Much better!!! I was sort of busy with work which kept my mind off eating and I finally took the long commute down on the elevator to my building gym. It was packed! I managed to get in @ an hour of good, revved up cardio. Now we're talkin! After the workout, I lost my interest in eating junk! I wanted clean food! What the what?! Is eating better a byproduct of working out?!
And now Day 3. No more new snow but the streets are still icy. The sun came out this morning (go Annie!) so let's hope, all will melt. I have cabin fever! I'm ready to get out of here! Deciding if I'll venture to the office for a few hours and if Body Solutions is open, maybe I can sneak in a workout with Dan. Now that would be a good Day 3.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Snow day and the anti-weight loss
What is up with all this snow and don't I live in the deep south? Am I going to have to move deeper?!!!
..beep beep beep - this post is intermittently interrupted so I can eat popcorn!!!......
Yesterday the forecasters called for snow in the eve and continuing into the day. You could hear cheers throughout the city - NO SCHOOL and NO WORK. The weather people nailed it. It started snowing, big time, around 9pm and continued. Quit a bit of accumulation so NO WORK today. The city is shut down.
I woke up and looked out my window to a beautiful, quiet, white wonderland. Haha. Not really a wonderland because I live in town, on the 27th floor across from other hi rise buildings, adjacent to a pretty major street...but you get me or just take a look out my window. Quiet and did I mention NO WORK (at least not from the office).
..beep beep beep - this post is intermittently interrupted so I can eat popcorn!!!......
Yesterday the forecasters called for snow in the eve and continuing into the day. You could hear cheers throughout the city - NO SCHOOL and NO WORK. The weather people nailed it. It started snowing, big time, around 9pm and continued. Quit a bit of accumulation so NO WORK today. The city is shut down.
The day has progressed and it's turning into my nightmare. I CAN'T STOP EATING. Boredom, being near the kitchen all the time - I'm not sure. I don't seem to be getting full either. Note: I have taken a short break after each sentence to grab some more popcorn. What is up with that?! I am eating or thinking @ eating everything in site. It's too cold to go out for a walk although some crazies are doing just that. Maybe they've already finished everything in their kitchen!
So it's several hours from dinner, I just finished a bag of popcorn and I'm going to make it to dinner w/o eating another thing. I must; I know I can. I hope I can; I know I can!
OK so if today isn't bad enough, I can't even imagine what the scale is going to say tomorrow - yep, I still weigh every day. Snow, white, quiet or not tomorrow - if you hear a loud roar about 7am tomorrow morning - that's me. I feel quite certain that depending on what the scale says, the roar could get pretty loud.
As I was saying, as if today isn't bad enough, now the forecast for tomorrow could have us home ANOTHER DAY. Does anyone know a locksmith who will travel in this cold with icy streets and who will put a lock on my refrigerator?! Make that a lock on my whole kitchen!!!!
Stay safe & warm!
Stay safe & warm!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Weatherbug or not?
Does the weather forecast dictate your life? Do you check the forecast before making plans or deciding on your run for the day?
I'm not sure if I'm on the right or the wrong side of this. I rarely let the weather forecast influence my plans. If I'm planning on a run, I pretty much look out the window, look @ the sky and decide.
The weekend forecast for Atlanta includes some "wintry mix" later in the weekend into Monday. Relatives are encouraging my mom to NOT come this weekend and to stay at home in FL. They are driving her crazy; come, don't come. She is driving me crazy. :-) Hmmmm. I told her to come on..........To me it seems that anytime you go anywhere, something can come up that delays your plans or gets in the way. That's no reason to not do anything or go anywhere! (Of course unless it's considered dangerous or hazardous - I'm not totally crazy).
So I say bring it on. Pack accordingly, dress accordingly and go for it!
I'm not sure if I'm on the right or the wrong side of this. I rarely let the weather forecast influence my plans. If I'm planning on a run, I pretty much look out the window, look @ the sky and decide.
The weekend forecast for Atlanta includes some "wintry mix" later in the weekend into Monday. Relatives are encouraging my mom to NOT come this weekend and to stay at home in FL. They are driving her crazy; come, don't come. She is driving me crazy. :-) Hmmmm. I told her to come on..........To me it seems that anytime you go anywhere, something can come up that delays your plans or gets in the way. That's no reason to not do anything or go anywhere! (Of course unless it's considered dangerous or hazardous - I'm not totally crazy).
So I say bring it on. Pack accordingly, dress accordingly and go for it!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Take a seat...
So my theme for 2011 is UPGRADE! I think I'll try for it in all that I do.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year!
Now how to spend the first day of the NEW year? Coffee, paper, internet stuff and........it's a cloudy, rainy but warm sort of day here so I think I'll go for a run.
My family always says how you spend the first day is how you'll spend your year! I'm going to make this a GREAT DAY. Have a great one too and ALL year long.
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