Friday, February 26, 2010


Sooooo happy it's Friday.  I see the sun coming up, no snow on the ground and the forecast is for a sunny weekend, high in the 50's.  Yeah, spring is coming!  I can't wait for daylight saving time next month.  For all buried in snow, bundle up.....

I'm back to running, painfully, but I'm back at it.  I've missed running with the "girls" from prior posts but life gets in the way and you have to forge ahead.  It sucks for the moment but it will come back around.  I was up to almost 3 miles and now I feel like I'm starting over.  Last night, 1 mile seemed to be forever.  Maybe it's just waiting to kick in.  Oooh I hope so.  I really need this running thing to help me maintain my weight loss.

After my run last night and before my workout with Dan, Mike (love this kid) a new trainer @ Body Solutions  said he'd coach me on running.  That was all I needed!!!!  I love goals and having a plan.  Sick but true; it really motivates me. 

So Mike puts me on the treadmill......"your running is OK" he says but...."you sound like a Clydesdale."  So there you have it world, my new goal.  Run WITHOUT sounding like a horse. 

Jeez, and I thought it was all @ breathing....thanks Mike!


  1. Haha, Sara. Too funny! I know you'll be able to de-horse with that sense of humor.

    It's always hard to get back into the grind, but if you've done it before, you can do it again! Three miles - here she comes!

    Happy Friday!

  2. haha Big Peach 5k here you come! and you wont be galloping - Mike


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