Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It's a rainy night in Georgia........

Make that a snowy March day!  The weather folks (plus Sandy & Yvonne) got it right!  The "wintry mix" started this am and it's still going.  Schools are either closed or closing early and I expect the entire city is going nuts @ now. 

I'm working from home today so not mixed up in all that traffic stuff.  But......OMG working from home!  HOW do you NOT eat everything in site?!  It's not even noon yet and I've already had yogurt/cereal/blueberries PLUS 1/2 peanut butter sandwich and pop chips.  If I keep this up, I can't even imagine how many calories I'll consume today.  I'm trying hard to turn to water, at least for now.  For those that work from home, any tricks?  Tips?  Please help me so I don't overload today and blow the week I've started.  I'm off to a good start this week with my eating and exercise.  I leave again for NY in a couple days and that's always challenging to me...especially when they put down the bread basket.  I LOVE BREAD!!!

I haven't updated in a while on my weight loss status so here goes......I'm working hard to keep off the 50 lbs I lost.  So far, I've kept it off for 6 months and counting.  Maintaining isn't so easy.  Much harder than I expected but I think I'm doing well.  What really helps me a ton is I've kept up my workouts with Dan and cardio on my own.   I never thought I'd live to say this but I really love working out with a personal trainer.  It is so cool to see that I can do things I could NEVER do months ago.  Little things that may not mean anything to anyone else, but I like it.  My cardio is still going well.  I'm off machines mostly (elliptical, stairmaster) and taken it to the streets (when the weather cooperates).  I'm running and working towards a 5K minus the Clydesdale clomping.  When will I / will I ever be "light on my feet?"  Ooooooooooh I hope so.  In the meantime, I'm clomping @ 2 miles with some walking in between.  I'm going to take that down and work on 1 1/2 miles with NO stopping then who knows..........5K here I come.  Sign me up!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You can keep this off!!! And yes, I love bread too! How I do it at home... I have my mini meals so I always know that I have another coming in 2-3 hours & sometimes I even break down those mini meals into smaller ones if I want to eat something before I am do. I drink my water & things like that AND I take myself AWAY from the food. The computer is way away!

    BUT for me, that breaking up the meals works best for me & even my mini ones if I have to but I try not to.....


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