Saturday, May 15, 2010

Do you know what this sign means?

Jeez Atlanta........This means PEDESTRIANS have the rightaway to cross and cars are suppose to STOP

Today following my workout with Dan, I had a bunch of errands to do and decided I would walk vs. drive.  Great decision but the drivers that pay NO attention to this sign are unbelievable.  Not one or two, but so many.  I'm standing at the crosswalk and they keep zooming by me.  Incredible. 

I had to be a defensive walker but it was still worth it.  I ran my errands on foot for two hours.  I'm going to have to bookmark this for the future.  Kill two birds with one stone!  Fnished my errands finished and got some exercise.  Love that! 

1 comment:

  1. Sara, you'd be surprised how quickly this adds up. Because of Dan, I'm always conscious of parking at least 10 parking spaces away from wherever I'm going.


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