What is up with all this snow and don't I live in the deep south? Am I going to have to move deeper?!!!
..beep beep beep - this post is intermittently interrupted so I can eat popcorn!!!......
Yesterday the forecasters called for snow in the eve and continuing into the day. You could hear cheers throughout the city -
NO WORK. The weather people nailed it. It started snowing, big time, around 9pm and continued. Quit a bit of accumulation so
NO WORK today. The city is shut down.

I woke up and looked out my window to a beautiful, quiet, white wonderland. Haha. Not really a wonderland because I live in town, on the 27th floor across from other hi rise buildings, adjacent to a pretty major street...but you get me or just take a look out my window. Quiet and did I mention
NO WORK (at least not from the office).
The day has progressed and it's turning into my nightmare. I CAN'T STOP EATING. Boredom, being near the kitchen all the time - I'm not sure. I don't seem to be getting full either. Note: I have taken a short break after each sentence to grab some more popcorn. What is up with that?! I am eating or thinking @ eating everything in site. It's too cold to go out for a walk although some crazies are doing just that. Maybe they've already finished everything in their kitchen!
So it's several hours from dinner, I just finished a bag of popcorn and I'm going to make it to dinner w/o eating another thing. I must; I know I can. I hope I can; I know I can!
OK so if today isn't bad enough, I can't even imagine what the scale is going to say tomorrow - yep, I still weigh every day. Snow, white, quiet or not tomorrow - if you hear a loud roar about 7am tomorrow morning - that's me. I feel quite certain that depending on what the scale says, the roar could get pretty loud.
As I was saying, as if today isn't bad enough, now the forecast for tomorrow could have us home ANOTHER DAY. Does anyone know a locksmith who will travel in this cold with icy streets and who will put a lock on my refrigerator?! Make that a lock on my whole kitchen!!!!
Stay safe & warm!