Friday, April 2, 2010

TGIF (Friday not Fiber!)........

Yeah, it's almost the weekend.  I'm in town and NO plans except being the list person I am, I have a million and one things I want to do.  The past few weeks, I've had some really incredibly stimulating experiences/learnings and now I'm obsessed (I tend to do that) with learning more.
  • Twitter - I want to figure this out. I met Sweet Tater at FitBloggin and she sent me a Tweetorial.  The Chic Fit has been sending me Tweets and checking in on me which is so sweet. 
  • Essential Oils - Ever since I met Bianca @ IIN, I've been totally absorbed in learning more @ EO, how to use them, what they can do, etc.  I ordered a Desk Reference and a "starter" set of 9 essential oils.  I hope they deliver fast.  This week, I started using Bianca's new oil - Arganica, which launches on Earth Day.  It is AMAZING so far.  I'm so excited for her!
  • The closet - the heat came upon us quickly this week and it's time to change out the closet.  Especially my workout clothes.  The long pants gotta go.  This means a shopping trip to Lucy and Lululemon cause I don't have any shorts in the new me size.  That will be fun! 
  • 10 miles - I think this is the week!  I've run 6 miles so far this week.  2 more today with my co-worker and I plan to run at least 2 on Saturday. 
  • And the list goes on and on........The weather forecast is spectacular so I'm really excited for a great weekend!!

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