Monday, May 31, 2010

Sunscreen - new favs

I got the opportunity this weekend to really put my two new sunscreens to the test.  I've been using them at home for everyday use but haven't "sat in the sun" until now.  Yesterday I sat on the beach for a couple of hours and today at the pool for an hour or so.  Did I mention this weekend was the first time I've put on a bathing suit since 2008.  That was pretty show stopping in and of itself.  Back to sunscreen. 

I'm pleased to share and recommend my two new favs!  I found them both through research on Environmental Working Group's cosmetic dbase. Both are rated high or rather rated low in toxins.  I'm not being paid or sponsored by either of these and this is really my opinion only.

MyChelle - on my face!  It's not oily/greasy at all.  I got some sun on my face but no burning.  It didn't leave a white residue (zinc oxide) either.  It says "non eye irritating".  I didn't do much to irritate my eyes so I'll leave that for another day.  No smell to this one - love that. 

Badger - on my body!  This one too seemed to work or at least kept me from getting fried.  I can tell because there are places that I apparently missed and they are fried.  This one DOES leave a white sort of film, leave behind but pleased to say it soaked in or faded fairly quickly.  The tube states that it "contains a high quality pharma grade zinc oxide..."  This one smells like typical health food store type product.  It too faded pretty quickly or it would have been off my list. 

I've started to pay closer attention to what I'm putting ON my body as I continue to be improve what I put IN my body.  Both of these sunscreens stood up to FL summer day on the beach and at the pool.  That's a pretty good first read for me. 

If anyone has tried some great sunscreen products, please share.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

He's engaged!!!!!!!!!

There's quite a bit to blog about this holiday Sunday morning but nothing compares to the news of yesterday, my nephew is ENGAGED!  This is big in every sense - he's the first born and oldest son of my sister, my mom's oldest grandchild, the first grandchild to get married, the first of the cousins to get married.....a wonderful, caring, loving, ambitious guy! 

"The girl", his girlfriend, now fiancé, from college that carried over into post-graduation is adorable.  She is bubbly, fun, caring, loving, also ambitious and a runner! got the catch of a lifetime....if I do say so.

He totally faked her out on the "ask."  Took her ring shopping for over 2 hours yet he already had the ring.  Looked at rings in person and online and then it went something like, "I have one I like better."  How @ that for a kid!!!!!!

So here's the beautiful ring!!! He did an awesome job by himself and of course with the help of his mom and text messaging!!! 

I know and pray they have a long, happy, sweet life together!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Getting started.....

My holiday weekend is off to an awesome start.  The Atlanta Track Club (ATC) asked me to talk to their Peachtree in Training group @ nutrition.  Who loves this topic more than me?!  The group ran a 5 miler and as they enjoyed their coffee & bagels we talked about nutrition & running.  Preparing, race day and recovery.  Of course I added in hydration & my personal favorite....sunscreen!  GREAT group of guys & gals.  They energized me, inspired me to keep at my running and maybe next year....the Peachtree. Who knows.  I'm up to 1.75 miles!!  Go me!

I''m now sitting in the airport (Concourse E - whew!) waiting to board my flight for FL.  A few days in the hot, humid days of long ago.  I grew up there and hot & humid is why I left.  Not that we don't have hot & humid in Atlanta but at least we have some hills!  And seasons!    Florida will be fun and I'm looking forward to getting to the beach.  It will give me a chance to try out my new sunscreen that got a great rating on EWG.  I'll spend some time with my bro and his family and my dear mom.  She's so cute....she's so excited for my arrival. 

A long weekend is great for recovery.  Rest, relax and recharge and then get going again.  At the same time this weekend, it's important to take a few minutes to remember the victims of wars.  We thank them for their honor & service!  Have a wonderful Memorial Day all........

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Little by Little Fills the Cup...

Today's post comes via Jody @ Truth2BeingFit.  Check her out and the full post behind this towel.............

Haba na haba hujaza kibaba is a Kiswahili proverb which means little by little fills the cup.

Baby steps, inch by inch, little by little or however we want to say it - it all adds up.  So many times I was frustrated but I kept with it and man am I glad I did - 9 months and counting for keeping off the 50 lbs!!!

(You can purchase the towel too).

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I missed them........

Lately, I've missed a number of things:
  • Blogging for one - this is my first post in several days.  I've been crazy busy and that's a good thing so I'll save that for later.
  • Richard Gere AND the Dalai Lama - both were staying at my hotel this past weekend and I missed seeing them both!  That would have been a cool sighting. 
  • Pay phones - not sure if I've really missed them or not.  Memories of standing out in the rain or driving around looking for one.  I didn't know they were still around until running in NY last weekend and I saw a guy talking on one.  Stopped me dead in my tracks! 
  • Fruit - man o man, never thought I'd say this (former fast food, junk food eater).  Came home late Sunday night to little to no food in the house and no time to get to Whole Foods this week.  I miss my apples and bananas!!
  • Running - I missed the office run both Monday and Tuesday due to meetings.  I'm so happy and proud of the team who went w/o me.  Go Team!
  • Dan workouts - never thought I'd say this either.  Missed sessions due to travel.  Ready to get back to it.  I miss Body Solutions
  • Reading a good, fast, mindless book - The last one I read was Mary Higgins Clark's newest.  Got any recommendations?  Sitting on a plane again this weekend (and hopefully the beach) and really need a good read. 
  • My mornings - time to myself to lollygag around! 
And to work.............

Thursday, May 20, 2010

What's for breakfast?

At the end of the month, I'm talking to a group of runners @ running and nutrition.  In thinking about what I want to share, it got me researching - running & eating, hydration, nutrients, etc.  Ask 10 people and get 10 answers.  No surprise, that's pretty much what I found on the internet. 

I'm always reading about what you should eat before and after a run; carbs prior and carb + protein after say many.  Definitely need fuel and recovery for your body.  I read this stuff but do I always follow what I read?  Do others? 

I did a little informal survey of my a.m. running team.  Four of us ran today and here's our BEFORE and AFTER eating. 

Runner 1 - BEFORE-whole wheat toast w/PB, banana.  AFTER-hard boiled egg
Runner 2 - BEFORE-nothing.  AFTER-hard boiled egg
Runner 3 - BEFORE-hard boiled egg.  AFTER-hard boiled egg, skinny bagel w/PB, 2oz turkey sausage and water, water, water
Runner 4 - BEFORE-hard boiled egg.  AFTER-organic oatmeal

How did we do?  We have the hard boiled egg thing down for sure but we need to get some carbs into us BEFORE and AFTER.  So often we are afraid of carbs due to weight gain but when running, we need to let that go.  Big shout out to Runner 3 for the water, water, water!!! Water is crucial.  Off to share the survey results with the team.  Interesting.........I wonder how the running group next week will answer the BEFORE and AFTER

Love to hear what you eat BEFORE and AFTER  a run?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I think I can....I know I can.....I love it!

So many times in my life, things start out this way.  I get energized around something, often as a result of other's energy and/or passion.  I'm intrigued so I want to learn more.  This happens to me @ work - learning my clients' businesses, their preferences, etc.  One great thing I love @ my company is I get to learn @ businesses, industries and/or products that I knew nothing about (nor even thought about before).

More recently and personally the little engine that could can be applied to running.  It actually started with walking.  Last year, I had a goal to do a 10 mile breast cancer walk.  I DID IT with the support of my niece and nephew.  I felt such a sense of accomplishment and at the same time, we raised money for breast cancer research/work in the Atlanta area. 

My next "I can" was I wanted to run one mile w/o stopping.  I DID IT on Thanksgiving Day 2009.  I remember it clearly.  Beautiful cool, clear morning and I went down to the track at Piedmont Park and just DID IT.  I was so excited.  This led me to my goal of running a 5K w/o stopping.  I completed my first 5K and it was a combo of run/walk.  I'm still working on the non-stop 5K and I'll get there.  I know I can.......

Possibly more importantly to me is that I think I LOVE IT, running that is.  I'm blogging as I have my morning Starbucks java (big fan!) thinking about my run ahead in a couple of hours and I'm really looking forward to it.  OMG, what is happening to me.  Did I just write that I love running?!  This is some crazy stuff.  Note to self:  bookmark this date!!!

I'm in a great place.  It took me some time to get here and I'm good with that.  I am competitive so for a while, I compared my progress to others (friends, those running magazine articles) and I listened to others for tips and advice.  Eventually I put everything and everyone out of my head (subconciously using Dan's one tip - relax!) and just went for it.  I KNEW I COULD.

At this moment, this applies to running but this is a mantra I need to apply to more things in my life.  Those things that I like and those things I don't want to do or face.  Hmmm, that will be a challenge. 

Monday, May 17, 2010


The "Girls on the Run" +2 took total revenge over the weekend.  9am this morning we hit the streets and totally kicked butt on:

  • 2 chocolate chip cookies + choco torte
  • ice cream sandwich
  • Nestle crunch bar (OK only one and a mini at that)
  • lemon pepper wings
  • McD's filet of fish sandwich
1.8 miles of non-stop running revenge over our weekend indulgances!  Man does that feel good and what a way to start your day and week!  And like I always say at the end - WE'RE DONE (cardio for the day that is)!

The health halo..

Have you ever been lulled by the "health halo"?  You know, it's organic so it's "good for me".  Right so that makes organic pop tarts, animal crackers, gummy bears, etc good for me?

I guess it depends on what I was eating before, how often I eat these "good for me" products, how much of these "good for me" products I eat and/or when I eat these "good for me" products. 

Last week, the answer for me was all the time (except the pop tarts).  I was eating the organic cookies and candy every day, way too much at each sitting and mostly at night.  Combine all these and what I got was a big ole 4+ lbs weight gain, felt sluggish, tired but in a great mood.  I let myself fall victim to the HEALTH HALO concept.  Just because something is made with whole and/or natural ingredients doesn't mean I should eat it! 

This week I'm back on my game.  I went to Whole Foods yesterday, passed right by the animal crackers and candy aisles and I restarted my journaling.  Journaling for me is a must.  Been doing it now for 15 months.  It works for me.  The HALO is gone and I'm back in my zone.  Ready!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Do you know what this sign means?

Jeez Atlanta........This means PEDESTRIANS have the rightaway to cross and cars are suppose to STOP

Today following my workout with Dan, I had a bunch of errands to do and decided I would walk vs. drive.  Great decision but the drivers that pay NO attention to this sign are unbelievable.  Not one or two, but so many.  I'm standing at the crosswalk and they keep zooming by me.  Incredible. 

I had to be a defensive walker but it was still worth it.  I ran my errands on foot for two hours.  I'm going to have to bookmark this for the future.  Kill two birds with one stone!  Fnished my errands finished and got some exercise.  Love that! 

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Weil, Gupta and Kessler - Atlanta 2010

Tuesday night, my co-worker and I attended the Public Forum.  These guys were the panel for discussion and took questions from the attendees.  Pretty big crowd in the Omni Hotel ballroom.  Very interesting.  Go good health! 

Some sound bites from this night...........{no particular order}
  • The bill - it's really about health insurance reform vs. healthcare reform
  • Gupta - "disease management vs. health promotion"
  • Prevention vs. intervention
  • Intervention - lifestyle, low tech, low cost vs. pharmaceuticals
  • Kessler - it's all about "fat, sugar, salt - 24/7, socially acceptable, 'food carnival', food is entertaining"
  • Healthy food choices does not mean giving up
  • Make good choices - eliminate or limit refined, processed and manufactured foods (is that really food?)
  • The obesity problem in the US is close to national security risk.  Higher and higher % are being turned away from joining the military. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Great day ahead..

My day starts off @ StoryCorps.  Ever heard of it?  I never had until last week.  Very exciting morning ahead.  StoryCorps is a non-profit that helps Americans record their stories.  I'm going with Gloria O., founder of Day of Beauty.  Her story is being recorded and I'm interviewing her!!!   The interview will last 40 minutes.  A little nervous so I prepared questions in advance; I think we'll be OK.  The Points of Light Foundation recommended that Gloria do this and hopefully her story will make it into Points of Light's annual conference this summer.  It's all about volunteering and service.  How cool is this.

Then there's work and the typical day stuff but the day ends with hearing Dr. Andrew Weil tonight.  He's the Harvard Med grad and the guru of integrative health.  This week is the Nutrition & Public Health conference and tonight is a public forum open to all.  My co-worker and I are going to check him out. 

So not bad for a Tuesday!!!!!  The only not so good thing @ today is I had to cancel Dan tonight.  Yep traded Dr. Weil for Dan.  Oooooh..

Sunday, May 9, 2010


OMG, yesterday was the splurge I've been waiting for.........When I changed my eating habits, I really changed them for good.  There are some things I just really don't eat anymore or not very often. 

I haven't had pizza in 15 months if you can believe that.  I've had pasta like twice in the last year.  Ice cream 1x when I was really sick and that's all I wanted to eat.  OK why don't I eat some of these things.....sometimes....and in small portions?  I CAN'T.  If I eat them, I'll eat too much.  Some say that's because I've "deprived" myself of these foods.  Nope, just know me and sometimes it's best to just not start.  Walk away.  (I have to do that sometimes too when I feel I want to speak my mind and it probably doesn't need to happen - back away...).

Back to the splurge.  Yesterday I went to get my haircut and it was Karen's birthday.  I'm so pissed at her cause I didn't know it was her day.  I'll get her.  Anyway there were all kinds of sweets..........all store bought so I said, nah I'll pass.  So she takes me off to the side and shows me THE TIN.  I almost fell out!!!!  Homemade cookies!!!!!!!  Karen's mom baked homemade choco/coconut cookies.  I had one and it was worth every bite.  Worth the wait to have it!  Worth the calories eating it! Worth every morsel!  Just look at these suckers.  There were so yummy and rich, I could really only eat one. That made me so happy.  I had it; loved it and then I was done. 

Now that was a great splurge!!! What's your splurge?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

A weekend @ home....

Although I had a restless night's sleep, I'm up w/o an alarm and excited to be home for the weekend.  I had terrible nightmare's last night.  It happens to me every so often.  Mostly I guess when I go to bed with something(s) particular weighing on my mind. 

Late yesterday, I did a Health History with a really terrific girl.  She has so much going for her and of course her fair share of "junk" happening in her life.  She's in her 20's and has got a solid outlook.  I really enjoyed our talk but was bothered by it at the same time.  She's got some health concerns and her traditional MD gave her medication.  Adderall!  WTF!!!!  This has nothing to do with how she's suffering.  Man did this raise the hairs on me and really pissed me off.  OK, in these sessions, I'm supposed to be calm, neutral and help people find answers not necessarily give them the answers.  Well, I couldn't help myself.....I gave it to her straight up and asked her to reconsider her MD's advice.  She said it made sense so I hope she gets rid of those suckers.  Oh BTW, the doc gave her Xanax too!!  Come on, these have NOTHING to do with her health complaints. 

Even if you don't know me, perhaps the passion in my writing leads us to why I had nightmares and a shitty night's sleep.  WTF is this doc thinking?!  My conversation yesterday, nightmare's last night and how I feel today all confirm that I'm pursuing the right passions for me. 

And with that out of the way, I look out the window and here comes the sun!  The weekend forecast is spectacular!  I have a pretty busy day today with the usual stuff - workout w/Dan, haircut, mani/pedi...typical stuff.  A hard workout followed by some pampering.  Aaaaaaaaaawwwww!!!!  There may even be a NAP in my weekend future.  I sure hope so.

I left Sunday fairly open.  My mom lives in FL so I won't be with her; she'll be with my older bro having fun I'm sure.  Happy Mother's Day to all!  I have a long run (3 miles) on my Sunday schedule.  Haven't done that in weeks and I'm really looking forward to it.  Did I say that?!  Now that's some scary shit....!!

Off for a short run (1 mile) now and ready to get this day going.  I'm so happy to be home!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Before and.............AFTER

Jomal - lost 22 lbs in 3 months!  Congratulations this is spectacular!  Check out these Before and AFTERs

How awesome does he look?!  Jomal is a fellow Body Solutions person.  He is a wonderful, inspriring guy - happy, smiling and always greets me with a big hug.  He's quite famous too.  He is one of the winners of the Body Solutions "I'm in Love with a Loser" contest and his story is being followed by Fox News.  Jomal's wife submitted his name and I think he had mixed emotions in the beginning but now I'm thinkin....he's lovin it!  The whole family must be lovin it!!!

I remember meeting Jomal his first week.  Dan asked me if I had any "words of wisdom" and I can remember saying - "cheese is not a diet food."  Jomal was like "oh no"!!!!

We've all come a long way.  Jomal and I talked the other day that going crazy on eating no longer was the same.  We know when to WALK AWAY.  You know my life and lifestyle have changed; I think Jomal's has too.  Way to go dude.  So proud of you! 

When you lose weight, Jomal and I both experienced that people say "you've lost so much in YOUR FACE."  When and WHY didn't anyone tell us our faces were so fat. I'm starting a group/club, maybe even a FB page :-)  FORMER FAT FACES..........This is the club to join!!!! 

Monday, May 3, 2010

One person can change the world!

Today was the 7th annual Day of Beauty!  ( Words can't describe this spectacular day.  Photos can't really either, at least not MY photos.  They didn't turn out so hot but there were photographers there along with the local news so I'm hoping it'll be on TV. 

Again this year, I got to "man" the massage room.  So much fun.  We had @ 12 massage therapist volunteers and they stayed busy.  The local news reporter interviewed one guy, James I think, while he was getting his massage.  It's hysterical.  The reporter was laughing so hard she could hardly ask questions.  I hope that one makes airtime. 

There were so many kids & young adults with their teachers & aids.  Special Olympics girls swim team, public schools, transition centers, supervised adult living facilities and probably some I missed.  They got their hair colored (one guy got red & blue, another gold), haircuts, makeup, manicures, waxing and of course massage. 

Ruby the clown entertained along with Jessica (love her from Lululemon) and another Hawks dancer.  Lest I not forget the DJ too. The place was rockin!  The food was unreal - Twisted Taco had taco bar, burgers, hot dogs, ribs, cakes, mini cupcakes, cookies, bagels, chips, candy and fruit!  Something for everyone!!!!!

All donated and volunteers!!!!  Some of my blogging friends came and I got to meet them F2F.  That was so cool (and thanks)! does this all come together?!!!  There's only one girl I know that can make all this happen and that's the founder and organizer.........Gloria O.  This is her labor of love and the Day of Beauty brings so much joy and happiness that you must be there to truly experience it.  It does not fit into words.  It was a SPECTACULAR day and I can't wait for next year!! 

Great job Gloria!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

There's no place like home

As much as I love NYC and am always so sad to leave, I'm so happy to be home too.  You know travelling these days can be such a hassle.  The "rules" differ from airport to airport and it's frustrating.  I didn't fly much last year so I lost my FF status so I have to PAY FOR MY LUGGAGE.  That really pisses me off.  Oh well, whuch you gonna do. I'm certainly not staying home! 

We had a wonderful weekend.  One mishap that wasn't too bad....more scary than anything.  Literally my mom was almost run over by one of the metal food carts.  The guy was pushing it back to where they go at the end of the day and he and it came charging across the crosswalk just at the same time my mom was crossing.  He screamed and fortunately he jumped in front of the cart with all his weight to stop/brace it from crashing into my mom.  She got bumped, not bad, but shook her up.  Once we got that out of the way on Thursday night, all else was wonderful. 

The weather was spectacular.  It was so much fun.  We mostly hung out, strolled the streets & Central Park, ate, drank, laughed, saw good theater and of course, worked out.  Last night I took my mom to a raw food restaurant.  She's a trooper and loved it.  It was interesting for sure.  We hung out with friends and had a wonderful weekend. 

Back home now and very excited.  Tomorrrow is the Day of Beauty.  Up early and out the door.  I'm in charge of stuffing goody bags! 

The best part @ being back home is sleeping in my own bed!!!  Isn't that crazy.  We get so used to our own "stuff."  I love it too.  Signing off now for a busy week. 

Oh, I was really bad, bad with my eating this weekend.  I don't know what got into me.  I paid for it too - a few upset stomachs.  Guess I'm out of practice.  Hmmmm, curious what the scale will say tomorrow.  Oh well, I'm back at it once again.  All's well that ends well. 

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Love, Loss and What I Wore

Last night we saw the Ephron sisters' (based on Ilene Beckerman's book) off Bway show.  It was really great.  Small theater (wish we had those in Atlanta) where every seat was good.  We were on the third row and my mom was able to hear it all.  The two known stars in the show (at least known to us) were Brooke Shields and Doris Roberts (Everybody Loves Raymond).  They both look fabo!

The show in essence is @ what you or those you love (mom, grandmother) were wearing, attempting to wear, hoping to wear at dfferent events in life.  Wedding, mastectomy surgery, shopping @ sizes 4/10/16, in the fitting room and nothing fits, the little (or not so) black dress, everything black, boots, high heels and flat shoes, granddaughter playing dress up in your clothes, bra shopping, the handbag (this was hysterical) and more.  At the end of the show, Doris Roberts shows you how to draw a simple outfit and inside the playbill is a blank page where you can "Draw A Picture of Yourself" in your favorite clothing item. 

The show was great - funny, sad and very enjoyable.  It got me thinking.  So I'm up early having my coffee (mom's still sleeping) and thinking about events in my life and what I was wearing.  My favorite outfits aka "my uniform" and the occassions.  The "uniform" for the largest part of my life was black pants, white tshirt and very oversized black top or sweater.  The bigger the better on the top - to hide the ridiculously fat ass!  Things changed last year and if you read my blog you know all about that. 

I remember my lucky top when I started college - always wore it on test day.  I remember the black suit I wore to my dad's funeral.  For some strange reason when packing for that trip, at the last minute, I threw in my suitcase a black suit.  Not exactly clothing needed when going to a summer wedding in Florida.  You guessed it, my dad died unexpectedly and I wore that black suit.  I remember arguing with my mom and crying because nothing fit.  That happened in the store (my parents owned a clothing store growing up) and at home.  There were alot of crying fits.  I remember the lime green bridesmaid dress I wore one time only for sure.  Although I can't remember what I wore yesterday, I'm having fun recalling the events, what I was doing and what I was wearing.  My mom always taught us, the clothes don't wear you, you wear the clothes.  But the clothes and all that goes with them do make the great stories! 

What do YOU remember?!  What are YOUR great stories?!